Here goes nothin’…
So, here we go.
I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to this point, but I’m giving it a shot. Time to start my own travel blog! Friends and family have been saying that I should do this for a while, and I finally have taken them up on it.

Right now, I’m lucky if I have the viewership of one or two people. But that’s okay. In the coming days, I will work on getting some content populated onto the site so that there’s something to look at. Please bear with me, as I continue to setup my site and simultaneously add content.
After thinking about this blog for several weeks, I still haven’t come up with an overly clear direction for it, but I will instead mention bits and pieces of travel related tidbits. I’ve been traveling all over the country and world for the better part of the last two years thanks to a combination of searching for ridiculous deals, and collecting an absurd amount of miles and points.
In the coming days, weeks, and months I aim to bring the reader along with me as I travel all over. At the same time, I will provide insight into the strategies and methods that allow me to travel so frequently, highlight awesome deals, and provide a perspective on travel industry-related news and current events.
Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
I think that this blog thing is a great idea Sean! Everybody wants to hear about your travels…where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, what delicious foods you’ve eaten:) It’s all about the food you know…Good luck with the blog and Happy Trails to you. Stay safe and remember to call your Mama.
Hope you enjoy the blog, Ruth. Will try to have some semi-regular updates over the next few weeks! And I’ll remember the food, and of course to call mom!
WE want to be just like you when we grow up !! Ann and Andy
Great to hear from ya’ll! Hope all is well!
This is great because Cat and I were pondering only days ago about how some of our Facebook friends, you included, are able to travel so exotically and frequently. This should be interesting….I’m taking notes!!
Haha, hope I can give you some noteworthy tidbits! Most of the tips whatnot will be published after my trip, so stay tuned…