Pardon My Absence Over the Holidays
First of all, I want to apologize for not posting the last month. The last 30 or so days, my life has been completely and utterly swamped with moving, as I moved into Washington, DC from Arlington, VA. That, combined with the Holidays and work really left no time to blog in my spare time. Since I moved in last week, we did not have Internet connected until last night, so I really couldn’t have blogged from home even if I wanted to!
Finally, today I have some free time to kill in a couple of airport lounges, so I figured I’d get some material written. I’m currently in the Boston United Club on my way to Dubai, where I’m spending the weekend with some friends. Why am I in Boston? That’s a story for another time — but long-story-short? It was about half the price to fly BOS-IAD-DXB than it was the simply IAD-DXB round trip, so I naturally booked a cheap flight up to BOS this morning from DCA on US Airways.
I’ll publish a detailed trip report of my travels to Dubai, as I’m headed there tonight in United BusinessFirst on my last itinerary as a United Premier 1K member — so it’s my swan song, so to speak with United. After that, almost all of my flying for the next year with be with American or its oneworld partner airlines. Be sure to check out the trip report from my last trip to Dubai in June 2013.
In addition to the upcoming trip report on this little weekend jaunt to Dubai, I’ll be finishing up a report of my failed trip to Iguazu Falls in November, as well as a few posts about the latest goings-ons in the world of travel, points and miles.
Oh, and a belated Happy New Year to everyone!